Splunk Enterprise Security Integration with Threater

The integration of Threater and Splunk Enterprise Security combines security information and event management (SIEM) with network security powered by real-time threat intelligence.

Threater blocks known bad traffic at scale using a combination of simple, innovative technology and best-in-class threat intelligence. Splunk Enterprise Security is widely used by leading security organizations to detect, analyze, and respond to threats quickly. The combination of the two platforms provides improved protection from cyber threats and more effective and efficient threat detection, investigation, and response.

Alternate Threater logo
Splunk logo


Comprehensive visibility into your security posture.

Improve threat detection.

Reduce the time to investigate and respond to security incidents.


Leverage Splunk Enterprise Security for long-term storage of Threater logs.

Aggregate logs from multiple Threater appliances in Splunk


Use more customizable and advanced analytics, visualization, and reporting capabilities.

Correlate Threater logs with logs from other security controls and systems.

Threater Provides Smart, Simple, & Scalable Network Security Everywhere

Threater blocks known bad traffic at scale using a combination of simple, innovative technology and best-in-class threat intelligence. We provide 30 million “out of the box” threat indicators from the world’s best sources and offer over 50 point-and-click integrations and connectors: ISACs, ISAOs, Threat Intelligence Platforms (TIPs), SIEMs, SOARs, or any other IP or domain based source.

Policy enforcement and blocking is handled by our Threater appliances, which can block up to 150M threat indicators in real-time with no latency. Threater inspects inbound and outbound traffic and makes simple, policy-based allow or deny decisions based on threat intelligence (IP reputation, block lists, allow lists), GEO-IP, and/or Autonomous System Number (ASN).

Threater can be flexibly deployed on physical, virtual or cloud appliances, as a cloud-based service or any combination of these. Regardless of deployment, we can protect your users and networks everywhere and our cloud-based Management Portal gives you a central point of visibility and control.

As data flows through Threater appliances, the Threater platform generates a significant amount of data that helps you analyze your security posture, identify and remediate threats in real time, and easily solve for false positives. Non-PII metadata is sent to our Global Management Center to allow quick analysis of your security posture and detailed data is sent to any SIEM, Syslog server or security analytics tool of your choice for further detailed analysis.

Threater Logs Provide Powerful Data & Syslog Export Capabilities

One of the many powerful features of the Threater platform are powerful logging capabilities with Threater appliances logging every connection (allowed or denied). Logs allow you to look at inbound and outbound connections and quickly see things like:

  • Source and destination IP
  • What country is an IP from? What network is it from based on Autonomous System Number (ASN)?
  • Was it Allowed or Denied?
  • Why was it Allowed or Denied? Was a connection denied because it was a malicious IP on a threat intelligence feed? The result of a Country (GEO-IP) policy?
  • What threat intelligence feeds are an IP or domain on?
Threater Dashboard Screenshot
This log data can be analyzed to provide valuable information to help organizations analyze their security posture, identify and remediate threats in real time, and easily solve for false positives.

Threater appliances store a limited amount of log data in memory on the device. To enable organizations to support more comprehensive security monitoring and analytics efforts and satisfy compliance requirements, the platform provides powerful syslog export capabilities. Syslog export, in the Threater platform, is not only RFC-compliant but also includes intelligent formatting including embedded CSV and key/value pairs. This makes it easy to export logs to SIEMs and data analytics platforms like Splunk for aggregation and long-term storage of logs, advanced analytics and reporting capabilities, and the ability to centrally view and correlate logs from multiple security controls and other systems.

Syslog export in the Threater platform is also customizable enabling users to control which logs to export to one or more external SIEM tools. Each syslog export is independently configurable such that it can be filtered by Log Type, Resource Group, Verdict (Allowed or Denied), and Direction (Inbound vs. Outbound). This enables users to control what data they are sending to SIEMs helping them control SIEM costs, which are often driven by the volume of data the SIEM is ingesting.

Threater Cyber App for Splunk

The Threater App for Splunk automates the process of integrating Threater log data into Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Enterprise Security and provides pre-built dashboards that visualize log activity from one or more Threater appliances.

Splunk Threat Summary Screenshot

Summary dashboards provide a holistic view of your security posture where you can easily see what traffic is being allowed or denied by Reason, Threat Category, Country, and Autonomous System Number (ASN).

Detailed dashboards provide more granular data helping you to identify, investigate, and remediate threats. These dashboards provide connection details over time allowing you to see trends in allowed and deniedconnections by Reason, Threat Category, Country, and ASN.

The Threat Category Breakdown dashboard gives you visibility into the Top 10 denied by Threat Category. For example, the Top 10 Countries being blocked in the Command and Control threat category.

The Threater App for Splunk has passed all relevant Splunk certifications including Splunk AppInspect and can be downloaded and installed directly from Splunkbase

Splunk Threat Category Breakdown

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